BT in Italia, Grandi Aziende


E' tempo di pensare al rischio informatico in modo diverso riconoscendo che le organizzazioni sono prese di mira da veri e propri imprenditori del crimine, che dispongono di ampie risorse.

Parlare genericamente di rischio non è sufficiente. Occorre valutare i diversi scenari di attacco ai danni dell’azienda e considerare come la sicurezza informatica, il controllo delle frodi e la resilienza del business possano essere sinergici per prevenire e affrontare queste minacce.

I dati sono sempre più preziosi e occorre proteggerli nel modo più completo e certo. Il Regolamento europeo su questo tema, noto come GDPR, se opportunamente compreso e calato nella propria realtà, potrà contribuire a fare della cybersecurity una componente essenziale per avere successo nel mondo digitale.



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10:00 Registrazione e welcome coffee

10:30 Benvenuto.

10:45 Presentazione del report 'Taking the offensive. Working together to disrupt digital crime'.
Ramy Houssaini, VP BT Security Europe.

11:25 Discussion panel: BT, KPMG, Palo Alto Networks e opinion leaders.

12:10 La sicurezza nel GDPR: dall'analisi dei rischi alla disclosure dei data breach.
Jose Pereiro, Head of Data Security Europe, BT.

12:45 Conclusioni.

13:00 Light lunch e networking.

14:15 Fine dell'incontro.


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Palazzo Montemartini
, Largo Giovanni Montemartini, Roma

Il palazzo si trova nel pieno centro della capitale, a pochi passi dalle Terme di Diocleziano e dalla Stazione Termini.
Per maggiori informazioni sulla location di Roma e su come raggiungerla vai al sito Palazzo Montemartini.

Excelsior Hotel Gallia
, Piazza Duca D'Aosta, 9 Milano

L'hotel è situato nel cuore di Milano, a pochi passi dalla Stazione Centrale.
Per maggiori informazioni sulla location di Milano e su come raggiungerla vai al sito Excelsior Hotel Gallia.


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Ramy Houssaini, Vice President BT Security Europe, BT

Ramy Houssaini is an internationally recognized Cyber Security and Risk Management executive. His background and strategic performance-management approach has helped firms achieve sustainable growth goals and increase shareholder value all while ensuring highest safety and social responsibility records.

Before joining BT, Mr. Houssaini was the head of the Cyber Security Practice for Accenture and served as the Vice President for Global Risk Management at Visa. He is an active member of the Risk and Insurance Management Society and he also serves on the Risk and Compliance Committee of the Board of a California based healthcare company and the advisory board of several startups focusing on optimizing operational risks.

Jose Francisco Pereiro Seco, Head of Data Security Europe, BT

Jose F. Pereiro has more than 17 years' experience in the Information Security and Cybersecurity fields, most of them as BT and IBM employee. During this period he held several senior security positions. He worked in national and international projects for top companies mainly in Banking, Telecommunications, Government and Energy sectors. Member of the Board of  ISMS Forum Spain and BT representative in ISF.

In his current position he is leading a team to provide end-to-end consulting and technical solutions around data security including privacy regulations, protection of intellectual property and security of business critical information.

Guido Milana, Senior Manager, KPMG Advisory S.p.A. – Information Risk Management

Guido has 11 years of professional experience in ICT security, with a strong focus on the Information Protection and Business Resilience within the IT Advisory Services group. He developed relevant expertise in the management of international projects for major clients and Groups, both in public and private sector focused on IT Security Architecture, IT Compliance (adaptation of IT processes for compliance with national and international regulations), IT Governance (design and activation of IT processes according to ITIL best practices), IT Risk Management and International Standard (design and activation of IT control processes it is according to the Cobit 5) with particular emphasis on Process Analysis, Project Management. He has experience in analysis and evaluation of the SAP authorization model, security and SAP GRC Process Control, Risk Management and Access Control modules. Guido holds a degree in Statistics Science and Economics from Università degli Studi La Sapienza in Roma.

Mauro Palmigiani, General Manager Italy & Med, Palo Alto Networks

Mauro Palmigiani studied Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. During his career he developed a robust working experience in Sales & Marketing primarily in the B2B market, but also in B2C and in the convergence between the two worlds.

Mauro joined Palo Alto Networks in 2016 as General Manager for Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus. Prior to this, in over 20 years of working experience, he has covered managerial roles of increasing seniority in Cisco - Head of Enterprise- and Samsung Electronics - Head of B2B Division.





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